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Contact & Map
How to arrive


Andreas Kircher
Karerseestraße 128
I-39056 Nova Levante

South Tyrol - Italy

Here you may find our privacy policy
and relevant revocation information.

How to reach us:

Please exit the A22 Brenner Motorway at Bozen Nord.
There, turn right onto the SS 12 and take the road to Rentsch / St. Magdalena / Eggental / Ritten.
At the roundabout, take the third exit onto the SS241 towards Eggental and continue for 11.7 km.
Then turn left towards Welschnofen and stay on the SS241.
After about 9 km, turn right and follow the signs to “Stadlalm” for about 2.5 km.

Arrival by train

We will gladly pick you up at the station! Please indicate when booking!

Arrival by bus

We will gladly pick you up at the bus station! Please indicate when booking!

Arrival by plain

Search for flights to Innsbruck, Verona, Munich or Bergamo. Direct bus connection to South Tyrol with the Alto Adige bus.